4 Neurology EHR Features You Can’t Live Without

Neurology is one of the most respected specialties in all of healthcare. This is because of its complex nature and the fact that there is still so much to learn in this area of human health. Despite the admiration and respect that Neurologists receive from the healthcare community, they still need to complete the administrative tasks that come with running a medical practice just as every other specialist and PCP must. While every specialty is searching for tools that are tailored to the needs of the services they offer, certain specialties have more luck than others when it comes to finding a vendor. It is increasingly important that Neurology providers implement a specialty-specific Neurology EHR into their practice. So not only to stay compliant with healthcare standards but to also improve workflow, clinical efficiency, and accuracy. The issue is that there are not many vendors that offer all of the features a Neurologist needs in order to run their practice successfully and offer the best care to their patients. Here are four features of Neurology EHR that providers should look for in a quality vendor.

Customized Documentation:

Customized documentation can mean a few different things. The first being custom templates tailored specifically to the daily needs of a Neurologist. Whether they are documenting the results of an EEG, EMG, or any other procedure, a Neurology EHR should ensure that documenting templates are set up to the needs of the practice. This might sound like a simple feature to find in a vendor, but in reality, vendors are offering what is referred to as a “one-size-fits-all” solution for an Electronic Health Record. In this setting, providers would theoretically be able to find anything they needed regardless of the specialty. When really, providers are left with muddy software that makes it difficult for them to find any of the Neurology specific documenting tools they need. A Neurology EHR should offer Neurology providers the option to customize a template to include the things they use most often and change the template should new issues arise.

Neurology EHR Mobile App

With cloud-based record keeping, providers are able to access their Neurology EHR from just about anywhere. Charting at your fingertips, the Neurology EHR mobile app allows for providers to leave their desk and still be available to connect with their patients on-the-go. A vendor who offers high functioning software will offer features such as charge capture, voice dictation, and mobile imaging. Features like secure communication and mobile prescribing allow a Neurologist to make sure they are engaging their patients in real time, never delaying a response or missing a patient in need.

Data Visualization

The amount of data collected on a neurology patient is vast and sometimes difficult to visualize when it comes to long-term decision making and the formation of treatment plans, yet it is vital to the outcome of the patient. Therefore, it is critical that a Neurology EHR include data visualization so that providers can view an interactive summary that lets a provider quickly graph patient vitals, medications, labs, and results on a single screen. This feature of a Neurology EHR allows providers to quickly visualize clinical markets in their patient’s timeline to locate the information they need for important decision making. Without moving between tabs, providers can view medication history, encounter notes, order results, and communications to better understand a patient’s entire health profile.

Expedite Cash Flow

The fourth feature that vendors should offer in a specialty-specific Neurology EHR is the ability to expedite cash flow. With an EHR that eliminates duplicate data entry and missed charges by utilizing electronic charge tickets, increased billing function accelerates the cash moving into practice. Tickets become instant claims submitted within moments of completing a visit with a patient. This function should also be compatible with a Neurology EHR vendor’s mobile app.

These four features offer the flexibility and customizable compatibility that Neurology providers need to see from their EHR vendor. To learn more about a quality Neurology EHR, click here.