See Your Patients Virtually with Telehealth

Telehealth is a term that is used every day in medical practices all over the United States. While this word means a lot of different things and is built from multiple different features, the virtual visit is one of the most talked about features of telehealth. Virtual healthcare is changing the delivery of modern medicine in the digital age, helping patients to become more engaged and diminishing primary care deserts.

With an ever-growing span of capability, telehealth technology is changing the lives of patients and providers, improving the overall quality of care for so many different populations. The two terms are often confused, so what is a virtual visit and how does it relate to telehealth?

What Is Telehealth?

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines telehealth as “the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support and promote long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health, and health administration.”

This means that telehealth exists as a broad term for many different services that treat patients remotely. While this includes the virtual visit, it also includes other services such as remote patient monitoring, consumer medical health information gathering and patient education. All these services are extremely important to patients who either elect to receive care remotely or patients who are in desperate need of care but live far away from a provider.

Telehealth exists to bridge the gap that is caused by primary care deserts. Making it into the office for medical care is not always possible for patients. It can take an entire day for them to make a short visit with their provider, costing them valuable time and money. It also gives patients the opportunity to have a relationship with a medical provider outside of their normal network. This is best done through virtual healthcare or a virtual visit.

How Does a Virtual Visit Fit into Telehealth?

The virtual visit fits the definition of telehealth because it uses electronic information and telecommunications technology to deliver personal, quality care to patients no matter where they are located. Through audio and visual communication, providers can see their patients virtually. The benefits of utilizing virtual visits are:

1)    No More Primary Care Desert

While it might be easy for some patients to pop into their physician’s office for a quick visit, this is not the case for all patients. In fact, many patients find themselves trapped in a primary care desert where they must drive great distances to be able to visit with a primary care physician. Being in this situation leaves patients with very little options. They are forced to either drive for hours to find the nearest provider or potentially not go to the doctor at all. Telehealth changes this by giving patients a third option. Now, with the virtual visit, they can easily meet with a doctor of their choosing no matter where the doctor is located.

2)    Saves Patients Time and Money

One of the biggest barriers patients face when it comes to staying on top of their care is the cost associated with healthcare. For patients who are in rural areas and/or primary care deserts, they pay commuting costs such as gas, meals, hotel stays, and so on, on top of their healthcare costs.  Likewise, these patients pay with their time by having to travel to wherever their nearest doctor is located. Patients often avoid visiting with their physicians because of the time it takes away from their work or school day, but with telehealth patients only need a short amount of time to visit with their provider from virtually anywhere with an internet connection.

3)    Increases Patient Engagement

Probably one of the most important benefits of the virtual visit with telehealth is that it increases patient engagement. Patients who are able to easily visit with their doctor will then be more apt to set up appointments and follow through with care and/or treatment plans. This results in patients playing a responsible role in their personal health, increasing the likelihood of improved health outcomes and healthier lives.


As you can see, telehealth is an incredibly useful digital tool that allows providers to reach more patients than before. Among its many benefits, telehealth removes the roadblocks of commuting time, commuting costs and lack of access to providers while increasing patient engagement to improve the lives of patients who have limited provider access.

If you are interested in telehealth or want more information, request a free demo or contact us.