What Should be Included in Your EHR Support?

Everyone knows that technology can be temperamental, which is why it’s important to always have a way to ask questions (and have your questions addressed) regarding your practice technology. It is essential in any medical practice to have EHR office support, so you can quickly get questions and concerns addressed so that you can go back to your normal business and productivity. Having resources available to get your questions answers quickly can elevate the empowerment you feel from your EHR. So, what should be included in an EHR office support?



An important component of quality EHR office support is how accessible it is. It is surprising how many support teams are only accessible during odd hours and or through inconvenient methods. It is essential that office support have multiple channels for customers to reach them. Whether it be submitting an online ticket, sending an email, or calling by phone, providers should be able to have easy access to a support line. EHR office support should be available during the hours that a provider’s office is open so that the issue can be addressed immediately. There should not be extensive hold times or a wait to have concerns addressed. Accessibility is key to the quality of any EHR office support.

No Language Barrier

A problem that individuals often run into with support lines are lines that are outsourced to other countries. Sometimes this is no issue at all, and other times it brings up a language barrier that reduces productivity during calls. Having a quick resource for help with an Electronic Health Record is essential to the productivity of a practice when problems arise. When language barriers exist, it can become difficult to get your questions addressed in a timely manner. EHR office support should be geared toward getting a practice back on track as quickly as possible with as few barriers as possible.

Follow Up Support

The next important feature of EHR office support is a follow-up process. Whether it be a follow-up call or survey, quality EHR office support should reach out to ensure that a customer was able to get their issue solved. Without follow up support, people find themselves having to call time and time again to ask the same question. With a follow-up process, problems can be addressed, discussed, and resolved quickly and accurately.


Established Procedures in an EHR Office Support

It is extremely important that the EHR office support associated with an Electronic Health Record have established procedures and processes in place. If they are unable to answer a question or address an issue, they should have steps in place to figure it out, communicate a resolution, follow-up with advice, and remain accessible throughout the entire process. Having set procedures in place for certain issues that arise also helps with the efficiency in solving the problem. The EHR office support experience should be one that is quick, accurate, and comprehensible. Such a small component of such a large tool should not be taken for granted.


Learn more about the Electronic Health Record you are interested in by asking about their EHR office support. Make sure the technology that is chosen is structured to support your practice in the way it deserves to be supported. If you have more questions regarding EHRs and EHR support, contact our team. We’re happy to help guide you through the process & answer any questions.