How to Get Your Staff on Board with Your New EHR Technology in 2020

Making the switch to a new software comes with a lot of hard work. It is not as simple as downloading a new EHR technology and then using it from that point forward. It comes with hours of training, data transition, and helping your staff adjust accordingly. For providers making the switch to a new EHR technology, your staff may not be prepared to make the change with you. Keep reading to learn how to get your staff on board with your new Electronic Health Record.

An Easy Transition to Your New EHR Technology:

1) Organize Staff

Your staff can be broken down into categories, for example, your front-line staff compared to your physicians. Each member of your team will utilize a different aspect of your EHR technology more than others do. While it is important to make sure each member of your team has a holistic understanding of the new software, it is vital that each category of your team is an expert on the part they use most. By sorting your staff into training groups, you can help them build confidence in the EHR technology through the training process.

2) Feedback Sessions

Change can be frustrating and discouraging to your staff even if it is changing for the better. For this reason, it is important that providers give their staff time to vent and offer feedback regarding the new technology. After all, they are the ones who are using it the most on a day-to-day basis and their feedback can help make improvements. This helps your team feel heard and understood through the implementation of your new EHR technology while also giving your vendor tips on how they can better assist you.

3) On-Site Implementation

Many vendors of EHR technology claim to offer the most useful and state-of-the-art software in the industry but are absent during implementation. The truth is, if a vendor does not offer on-site training throughout implementation, then the software will always be difficult to use. The benefit of having your vendor on site is that you have an expert in your new EHR technology only a few steps away rather than having to spend hours on the phone, trying to find the help you need. On-site implementation minimizes the difficulty of transitioning your team while giving them the confidence they need to learn and adjust to the new technology.

4) Knowledge Center

Even if your vendor offers on-site implementation, they cannot stay there forever. To make sure your team as the tools they need for success both during and after implementing new EHR technology, your vendor should offer a digital knowledge center. Here, your team can research any questions they might have once your vendor is no longer present to answer questions. Questions will come up during any transition, especially when technology is involved. To be sure your team has the support they need, ask your vendor what additional educational resources they will offer regarding the new EHR technology once they are gone.

5) Customer Support

While on-site training and a digital resource center are both extremely helpful in making sure your team has what they need to work at their best, sometimes they need more than that. Your vendor should also offer U.S. based customer support that is available to work with your staff on any questions they have regarding the EHR technology. Many vendors outsource their customer service team overseas, causing problems like a language barrier, inaccessible hours of operation, and working with individuals who are not fluent in American healthcare. A quality vendor will offer a U.S based customer support team that are experts in the software, available during normal practice hours, and literate in all relevant healthcare information.

Any transition is difficult, but with the right vendor, your team will have what they need to be on board with your new EHR technology. To learn more about an EHR solution that will help your practice, click here.