Why Urologists Everywhere Are Embracing Urology Software

When it comes to implementing a specialty-specific Urology software into your practice, the benefits far outweigh the pains of implementing new technology. Flexible health practice technology that is designed for your specialty help increase productivity, increase workflow efficiencies, and improve your ability to focus on the needs of the patient. Urology software gives specialists the tools that enhance your ability to do their job well, never slowing them down, and never getting in the way.

3 Features of Quality Urology Software

1) Flexible Urology Specific Templates

Traditional templates prevent Urologists from accurately and effectively documenting an encounter and addressing the patient specifically. Each encounter is unique, and your documenting template should empower you as the physician to uniquely describe it. Customizable templates offer the personalization and organization providers need to note each individual encounter and organize it in a way that makes sense to the practice.

With a quality Urology software, providers can avoid this on-size-fits-all approach that many software providers have taken with their templates in the past, and replace it with flexible, Urology-specific, templates. With this tool, the quality of the information in each patient’s chart starts to rise, impacting later clinical decisions and the patient’s ability to understand their chart down the road.

2) Integrated Labs, Orders & Imaging

Regardless of whether your practice is utilizing outside laboratory facilities or on-site labs, integrated technology is key when gathering and interpreting data. Integrated labs in your Urology EHR offer benefits including patient portal access, interoperability between facilities and providers, visual vitals tracking, and patient education as results stream in.

With this information uploaded directly into the patient’s chart, providers are able to track and interpret information and easily explain it to the patient over their portal. Patients can visually track their progress as they tackle different areas of their health while working with their physicians to understand that data and how it applies to them. Integrated labs in your Urology software promotes better patient engagement and a comprehensive understanding of patient data.

3)    Specialty-Specific Prescriptions

A common problem many specialists encounter from non-specialized practice technology is that there is too much data to sift through. When it comes time to do things like writing a prescription, Urologists do not have the time to waste sifting through information to determine what is going to work best for their specialty.

Urology software can remove this burden by offering specialists a simple ePrescription process that shows them the most used prescriptions in their field, making it easy to offer their patients the best solution.

4) Custom Dashboard and Patient Timeline

Your Urology software should support the idea that no two people work the exact same way. Each specialist at your practice has a unique workflow that they should not be forced to resign due to the limitations of your software.

Quality Urology software should offer custom dashboard capabilities that help providers choose what information they see first and how they access what they need. Your Urology software should also offer a comprehensive patient timeline that makes it simple to click-through information and learn what it is your need to treat your patient.

Each one of these features builds a Urology Software worth embracing at your practice. To partner with a team that understands exactly what your practice and your patients need from a software solution, click here.