How COVID-19 Is Highlighting the Importance of Interoperability

As of March 2023, it is now one of the most overwhelming times to work in healthcare as the COVID-19 pandemic turns the US upside down. The process for how a patient receives medical care has changed quickly as hospitals see rapid spikes in COVID-19 patients. Everyone in the field is working hard to slow down the spread of the coronavirus while continuing to care for their patients.

The speedy developments of this pandemic have highlighted the importance of interoperability as providers and patients search for ways to continue. Patients are trying to determine if they are at risk of contracting the virus and what that means for their care during this time. Providers need comprehensive access to health data to understand and prepare for the future of this disease and how to handle it moving forward.

Earlier this year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) issued final rules on interoperability and information blocking through the 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule. Through the midst of a global health emergency, increased access to important patient information could not have been timed more perfectly.

What is Interoperability?

According to the Cures Act, interoperability refers to Health IT that “enables the secure exchange of electronic health information with, and use of electronic health information from, other health information technology without special effort on the part of the user.”

In other words, interoperability is the process of exchanging electronic health data between systems. This enables different providers to exchange data with a few clicks of their mouse and is accomplished with an interoperable Electronic Health Record.

Why is This Valuable to Providers during COVID-19?

With a rapid spike in COVID-19 patients, providers must have access to the most updated health information of that individual to understand their risk level in relation to the virus. The interoperability and quick exchange of health data enables providers to understand which patients are at risk for COVID-19.

Among US healthcare players, interoperability is essential for health firms to handle the high volume of patients flooding through their doors as well as the new forms of technology they are using to provide care to them. The exchange of health data will also be key in the tracking of trends, symptoms, recovery, mortality, and more. By making the data accessible to providers across the board, these details are more quickly collected, and healthcare workers can act accordingly.

Interoperability also enables simple access to health data to patients who are trying to understand their own risk factors and apply it to their daily life. With an interoperable solution, patients can access their personal health information (PHI) via a patient portal and accessible mobile application. The use of remote monitoring technology also prompts patients to receive care and treatment from their homes and care facilities in order to optimize other spaces for the care of COVID-19 patients.

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold each day, interoperability is helping providers identify and understand important health data throughout the process. To implement a quality interoperable solution, click here.