How Care Coordination Benefits Patients in 2020

A quality care coordination program will benefit providers and their patients in 2020. Helping to improve the quality of care for patients everywhere while also reducing their overall costs, this part of Chronic Care Management is making a difference. The organization of patient care between each member of their team means a more cohesive and fruitful healthcare experience. Below are some of the top benefits of care coordination for patients in 2020.

Benefits of Care Coordination:

Fewer Hospitalizations

Patients who are battling multiple chronic conditions can experience a wide range of symptoms and problems. Sometimes when new problems come to the surface or new struggle arises, a patient’s first instinct is to go to the hospital. Chronic Care Management patients experience such a high number of hospitalizations and Emergency Department visits that it quickly drives up the cost of their care.

Care coordination programs offer a solution. Connecting each member of a patient’s team and giving patients the resources they need to seek help; care coordination keeps patients out of the hospital. Research shows that patients that are a part of a care coordination program like Chronic Care Management experience fewer readmissions than routine care patients.

Improved Patient Engagement and Experience

Chronically ill patients often report poor medical experiences. They are often overwhelmed and overrun by the many moving parts of their care. Care coordination is helping to increase patient engagement and improve their experience. Patients are happier and feel healthier when taking an active role in their care plan. They no longer feel like they have to take it all on by themselves. Instead, they have someone in their corner helping them keep everything organized and engaged.

Unified Patient Team

The unity of an entire team is vital to improving the quality of patient care. By connecting the different components of their care, each person on the team has everything they need to help the patient. Patients no longer have to complete multiple sets of testing for different providers, travel to unorganized appointments, and try to keep everything straight in their minds.  Care coordination helps patients keep their appointments organized and each provider informed so that the patient can focus on themselves.

Increase Positive Outcomes

With a unified team, increased patient engagement, fewer hospitalizations, and more, patients achieve more positive outcomes with care coordination. Their symptoms get addressed as they arise. Their providers are all on top of their game when making clinical decisions. And a care coordination representative works to make sure the other details of their care are organized while correcting any discrepancies. A quality care coordination program has proven to help enhance the patient experience while also helping them achieve more positive outcomes than ever before.

A quality vendor of Chronic Care Management and care coordination services is ready to help you and your patients in 2020. With the right vendor on your side, your practice can help patients while also bringing in an entirely new stream of revenue. To learn more about a vendor that wants to help you, click here.