OfficeEMR is integrated with CoverMyMeds Real-Time Benefit Checks & Electronic Prior Authorizations to provide prescribers with prescription price transparency and an electronic prior authorization module directly within the EHR.
CoverMyMeds is the industry’s leading Real-Time Benefit Check (RxBC) and Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA) solution for every prescription medication and insurance plan type. Now, with our powerful, integration, you can quickly and seamlessly get patients the medications they need, all within iSalus at no additional cost to you!
It’s time to reimagine ePA and RxBC. Here’s what you can do with the new integration of iSalus and CoverMyMeds:
Provide your patients with prescription cost information at the time of prescribing based on the patient's insurance, pharmacy, and drug selected during the prescribing process. This solution also identifies if a PA is required and if a discount card might be available to save the patient some money.
Streamline prior authorization requests with automated submission and processing, all seamlessly integrated into your prescription workflow.
Reduce treatment delays and disruptions and speed up the approval process for PAs.
Save money by eliminating the need for a separate ePA solution in addition to iSalus.
Let one of our experts show you how CoverMyMeds can improve your patient outcomes!