How Chronic Care Management Benefits Patients

Offering chronic care management services is something that members of the healthcare community are still figuring out how to navigate. There many different components that go into CCM, which make it complicated, but also one of the most important new additions to any practice. Chronic care management benefits a practice by increasing the quality of care for patients dealing with two or more chronic conditions. It also brings a new stream of revenue as well as a new patient base into any medical practice. The only fear that providers are running into is that they worried about the time and effort it will take to integrate these services into their own practice. This fear is avoidable by outsourcing chronic care management. Instead of fear, the only thing providers should be thinking about is how CCM is going to benefit their patients. Here are three important features of chronic care management services that your patients will benefit from in 2023.

Patient Benefiting Chronic Care Management Features

1)    Prescription Assistance

Patients dealing with chronic illness often have a plethora of conditions or situations occurring in their life and it is not safe to assume they are compliant with their medication. A service offered through chronic care management is prescription assistance. Providers can have peace of mind knowing that their patients are not only being compliant with their prescriptions but that they are also receiving help with refills or even discounts when applicable.

The monthly phone call that occurs with chronic care management services involves a prescription review to make sure that the patient is taking what they are supposed to be taking as well as making changes when necessary. During this conversation, the representative can account for all of their prescriptions, old and new, or even find out if the patient has stopped taking their prescriptions altogether. This helps to make sure the patient is staying on track with their personal care plan. This may seem like a small service, but making sure the patient is taking the right prescriptions at the right time and the right amount can potentially be life-saving.

2)     Scheduling Assistance

Another chronic care management service that is beneficial to a patient’s quality of care is scheduling assistance. It is not uncommon for a patient with a chronic illness to miss appointments or forget to schedule them overall. This service ensures that a patient is scheduling and showing up to all of their necessary appointments. Not only does this chronic care management service help increase the quality and frequency of personal care the patient receives, but it helps the provider maximize revenue received from reimbursements. Having an appointment regularly and consistently helps ensure a patient is staying on track with their treatment plan, improving their chances of a positive health outcome.

3)    Community Engagement

One feature of chronic care management that patients benefit from but can often go unmentioned is the engagement within a health community. With CCM patients don’t have to go only their physician for healthcare guidance, but now they have a medical assistant through their chronic care management program that will offer them input, guidance and help in times of both achievement and concern. Adding additional resources into a patient’s care plan helps them have increased access to health knowledge versus if they had waited to visit their doctor regarding questions or concerns. With CCM, patients have a new source within their life for emotional, physical, and developmental assistance through their healthcare journey. Assistance through community engagement is an entirely different line of care that chronically ill patients can tap into to succeed.

These three features are not the only benefits of chronic care management services, yet they are three crucial benefits that can contribute to improved health outcomes for your patients suffering from two or more chronic conditions.  As proven, utilizing CCM can contribute to the overall health ‘success’ of your patients, which in turn, will contribute to the success of your practice.

Interested in chronic care management services? Find out more by reading about our CCM program, HealthWatch, or request a free demo with one of our Product Specialists.